Managing Groups

Users can be a member of groups, which can have different access rights.

In the pfSense® webGUI, groups are managed from the Groups tab on System > User Manager.

By default, there are two groups, All Users, and Admins. Members of the Admins group have full access to the WebGUI. The All Users group is system-defined, and cannot be deleted. This is indicated by the “grayed out” or “disabled” appearance of its group icon in the list.

When adding a group, a Group name is required. It may not contain spaces. A Description is optional, but recommended.

Group membership may also be managed on the group editing page. To add a user, click or ctrl-click user(s), and then click fa-angle-double-right to add them to this group. Members can be removed by clicking (or ctrl-clicking for multiple) and then clicking fa-angle-double-left.

A user may also be added to a group by editing the user and managing their groups on that page instead.

Assigning Privileges

After a group has been created and saved, privileges may be assigned. Edit an existing group and a new section at the bottom of the page titled Assign Privileges appears. Privileges are managed from there.

Click fa-plus to add a new privilege, and then select the pages to which this group will have access. To select privileges, single click, click and drag, or ctrl-click to select multiple entries. These page privileges will all appear as separate entries on the group editing page.

Be careful not to blindly select all options to allow access to “everything”. There are special options in the list which also deny privileges.