Using the Package Manager

The Package Manager is used to install and maintain packages on a pfSense® firewall. Packages are listed with a Name, Category, Version, and a Description of what the package is or does.

See also

A list of available packages with more information on each is available on the Package List page.

Installing New Packages

The Available Packages tab displays only those packages which are available to install on a given platform and pfSense software version. For example, a full install has all packages available, while a NanoBSD/embedded install only has packages which have been tested and known to work on that platform. Categories are displayed as additional sub-tabs to make browsing specific types of packages simpler.

To install a package, find it in the list and click fa-plus Install at the end of its row. Then click fa-check Confirm to confirm the installation action.

During installation, the Package Installer tab will appear and the installation progress is displayed graphically along with a log of activity.

Manage Installed Packages

The Installed Packages tab lists packages which are currently present on the firewall. To remove a package, click fa-trash at the end of its row. To reinstall a package, click fa-retweet.

If a package has an available upgrade, click fa-refresh, then click fa-check Confirm to confirm the installation action and upgrade it to the latest version