Shortcut Bar

The pfSense® Shortcut Bar offers quick navigation to pages related to the one being viewed, to save having to hunt down pages in various menus when performing configuration or troubleshooting.

The shortcut bar appears at the top right of a page, and the icons vary depending on what options are available in the current area.

  • fa-check-circle or fa-times-circle - Status of the current service (running or stopped).

  • fa-stop-circle - Stop the service for this area.

  • fa-play-circle - Start the service for this area.

  • fa-repeat - Restart the service for this area.

  • fa-sliders - Visit this area’s main configuration page

  • fa-bar-chart - Status page for this area

  • fa-list-alt - Logs for this area

  • fa-question-circle - Help for this page