Captive Portal Status

The Captive Portal Status page is available through the pfSense® webGUI at Status > Captive Portal.

Zone Status

To view the status for a Zone, select it from the Captive Portal Zone drop-down.

This page displays a list of online users, including their IP address, MAC address, Username, and Session Start Time.

The exact output for each field depends on the portal configuration. For example, if MAC address filtering is disabled, the MAC address may not be displayed. If user authentication is not required, then there will be no Username to display.

Voucher Status/Management

If Captive Portal Vouchers are enabled, tabs are also displayed for voucher management: Active Vouchers, Voucher Rolls, Test Vouchers, and Expire Vouchers.

Active Vouchers

A list of online voucher users in a similar format to online Captive Portal users described previously.

Voucher Rolls

A list of all voucher rolls and their properties, along with utilization statistics. Consult this periodically to monitor usage to tell when new voucher rolls must be generated.

Test Vouchers

A diagnostic tool to tell if a voucher is valid for use/login, if it has been used previously or has expired. Enter voucher codes in the box separated by a space or each on a new line. The status and any time remaining for a voucher will be displayed.

Expire Vouchers

This tab offers a means to invalidate/expire voucher(s) so that they may not be used. If a code was compromised or otherwise must be removed from use, enter it here.